

Intended Cooperation


PT Napindo Media Ashatama as a service company specially dealing in the organization of exhibitions, always attempt to provide the best of services to satisfy all the parties concerned, both exhibitors, visitors, and other related agencies.

Since its establishment in 1989, PT Napindo Media Ashatama has organized 80 exhibitions, which have been successful and well implemented.

Established in 1989, PT. NAPINDO MEDIA ASHATAMA is a leading exhibition and conference organizer in Indonesia. 

Their portfolio covers key industry sectors like communications, multimedia, IT, livestock, water, and more. They focus on delivering tangible benefits to exhibitors, visitors, and delegates, with a dedicated team ensuring exceptional service and support. Collaborating closely with government ministries and industry associations, their events, including Internetworks Indonesia Expo & Forum and Indo Water Expo & Forum, foster connections and drive industry growth.

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Baris Tasar


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