Intended Cooperation


  • Market research and analysis to identify potential customers and competition.
  • Facilitating registration of principals with prestigious clients and new projects.
  • Gathering project-specific information and organizing meetings with potential customers.
  • Reviewing and advising on technical and commercial bids for success.
  • Offering after-sales support and resolving any issues to safeguard principal interests.
  • Promoting principals‘ products and ensuring their success aligns with aggressive budget targets.
  • Organizing seminars and coordinating participation in events, conferences, and exhibitions for principals‘ clients.

With over 30 years of experience, Orbis Trading is one of the leading commodities and trading companies in Egypt. Established in 1991, Orbis Trading specializes in global import and export business in Egypt.

Orbis Trading specializes in trading steel products, pipes, tubes, fittings and flanges to meet diverse market demands, supplying various sectors, including Petroleum and Fertilizer.

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