
Global Aqua Services GLASCO

Intended Cooperation


  • Installation of various water treatment plants such as RO, STP, UF, and industrial wastewater plants.
  • Manufacturing of media filters, cartridge filter housing (SS or PVC), steel tanks, skids, and other related equipment.
  • Supplying all the necessary components for water treatment plants.
  • Serving as the exclusive representative for FEDCO USA in Egypt.

Global Aqua Services (GLASCO) is an Egyptian company specializing in water treatment services.

As a representative for FEDCO USA and an official distributor for STEIEL Italy, PIMTAC Turkey, and PureLife in Egypt, GLASCO offers a comprehensive range of solutions in the water treatment sector.

GLASCO has a wealth of experience in installing and maintaining RO water desalination plants, STP, UF, and wastewater plants, having successfully executed numerous projects.

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